Expired, broken, or unwanted medicines, including transdermal patches, must be disposed of with care. Medical supplies like needles, syringes, and diabetic testing supplies must also be disposed of properly. Visit a US agency site to learn how:
How to Dispose Unused Medicines | FDA
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day| DEA
Best Way to Get Rid of Used Needles and Other Sharps | FDA
If you have questions for a pharmacist about the disposal of your medicines or supplies, call us toll-free at (833) 546-0799 (TTY dial 711). Our customer service hours are:
8:00 am – 8:00 pm Eastern Time
9:00 am – 5:00 pm Eastern Time
Or email us at specialty@birdirx.com. For security and privacy, please do not include personal health information. Email messages are replied to within two business days.